
Friday, 2 December 2011

12 Days of Modest Fashion - Day 2

So today is day #2 of Natasha's Modest Fashion Days.  The theme for today is: Share a fun tradition your family has at Christmas.
We spend the weeks leading up to Christmas practicing carols in as many parts as we can manage.  Some carols we can get five parts on, some we just sing in unison.  And then on the evening of the 24th, we go caroling around to all of our neighbours.  Sometimes we get candies, sometimes we don't, but we always get smiles.  One year it was -29 C out (which is -20 Fahrenheit) which is too cold to go walking around in for two hours.  But people were expecting us to come.  So Daddy took the van to the car wash and as soon as he got it outside, while it was still wet, we wrapped the whole thing (minus the windshield) up in wrapping paper.  As the water froze, it stuck the paper to it.  Then we got strings of lights and tied them on like ribbons.  At each house we all go flying out of the van, sing our songs, and then hurry back to cuddle under quilts in the van as we drove to the next house.  We live in the country, so we had a few minutes between houses to warm up.  I think it's really cool that at this season of the year we're allowed, and even invited to talk about Jesus to people who usually wouldn't give us two minutes of their time.  Last year we got a call the week before Christmas from an unsaved neighbour asking what time we would be coming by, because they were planning to go to a Christmas Eve service at one of the local churches and didn't want to miss us!
Here's what I'm wearing today.  Not super well put together, but I'm not going anywhere today.

I found this skirt at the thrift store, but it was size XL.  It was there for a while, and every time I went it I liked it more.  So on bag day I threw it in the bag and figured I could cut it down.  It was actually really easy to take in, and I used the fabric I cut off of it to trim a matching skirt for my youngest sister.

What I'm wearing: striped skirt (thrifted, Northern Reflections); blue polo (gift, George brand); Belt (Cleo), headcovering (made by me to match a different skirt).  Pictures compliments of my little brother.



  1. I is a fabulous skirt :)

  2. Thanks! It's nice to have someone back up my opinion - my brothers think it's way to wild! ;)
