
Thursday, 1 December 2011

12 Days of Modest Fashion - Day 1

I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now.  My biggest issue though, has been: what do I write in my first post?  When I read Natasha's post about the 12 days of Modest Fashion, I thought "That could be my first post!"
 So here is my outfit for Day #1.
I had a job interview this morning, and this is what I wore to it.  I'm wearing a newsboy hat with a cute pink rhinestone on the side.  A black and white layered look sweater/shirt.  My knee length black pencil skirt (with an inverted pleat instead of a slit in the back)! Black tights and black leather ankle boots, which are almost completely disappeared in the snow in the picture.  A whale tale necklace from Alaska  and a hand-made bracelet from my penpal.

I don't usually wear any make up.  I bought it Tuesday and spent all day Thursday trying to figure out how to put it on in a way that makes me look a little closer to my age.  Most people guess I'm 12, not 18.  And not many people want to hire a 12 year old receptionist - hence the make up.  The pictures were taken after lunch, so the make up is somewhat worn off.

After lunch I went skating on our lake with my brothers.

These pictures are manly on to prove to a friend of mine that you can skate in a skirt.  You can't see it in the picture, but I have a red fleece petticoat on underneath the denim skirt as well as flannel nickers and the same tights I had on earlier.  Kind of an impromptu outfit, my brothers gave me a whole 2 minutes warning to get dressed before we all headed down.

We're going out tomorrow (hopefully) to cut down bows.  All of our Christmas decorations are still in boxes in the basement, so I can't post a picture of my favorite ornament.  I'll try and add one after the bows go up.



  1. I love iceskating in skirts! You look adorable! =)

  2. I love your outfit! The hat is very cute. And I have the same problem.. if I don't wear makeup people think I am younger! So when I go out I usually put a little on to help people take me a little more seriously! :)

  3. PS. Congrats on starting a new blog! Blogging is really fun.. I think you will like it! I am following you! :)
