
Saturday, 10 December 2011

12 Days of Modest Fashion - Day 10

Natasha's theme for today was "dress casual", which was good for me!  My day started in a rush (with no time to pick out a nice outfit) as Kate called us at 7:20 to say that she had just run over a porcupine on her way to work (1.5 hours away), and was sitting at the side of the road.  Well that's easy, we thought, just change it.  Not quite that simple.  The tire iron she had in the trunk with the spare was the wrong size for the car's lug nuts!  So Daddy, Tony and I jumped into the jeep with the proper tire iron and went to "rescue" her.  As it turned out, a guy came along with the right iron and had her on her way not five minutes before we would have gotten to her!  We kept going and traded vehicles with her anyways so we could get the tire fixed and do a bunch of errands before heading home.
We realized yesterday that we had forgotten to ask anyone to be in the nursery during our pageant tomorrow night.  It would as far as we know only be the pastor's little girl in there, but both of her parents are in the pageant, and who could we ask to miss the pageant in order to sit in the nursery?  Some one had the brilliant idea of putting her in a sheep costume and just letting her wander.  She can wander around the audience or up onto the stage and it'll still be OK!  So we got this adorable costume 50% off today, and I think she's going to be the star of the show.
 the model is pretty cute, but I think she's going to be cuter!

I'm wearing brown suede boots (thrifted), jeans-to-skirt (made by me - one of my favorite skirts for casual wear), white long-sleeved shirt (thrifted), BBR staff t-shirt (they were out of my size, so I took a size up and altered according to Olivia's tutorial here, she did a better job of hers though), 'Canada' baseball cap (Wal-mart).


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