I want to start this by saying that I personally, we as a family, and we as a church, are conservative Christians and we do not believe that it is appropriate for men to dress as women or women to dress as men.
However, we started attending a new church plant about a year ago, and are still getting to know the pastor's theology somewhat. There have been some things along the way that we completely agree with, and some things that surprised us. Nothing sacrilegious thus far, just not quite what we were necessarily expecting.
So when I came home from evening service a few weeks ago discussing the skirts the pastor hired me to sew for him, my family was surprised...to say the least. ;P
The thing is, he's the pastor. He's the one who has years of seminary training - not me. And if he wants two, shiny black, full circle skirts, who am I to argue with him? At least...that's what I told my family as I was enjoying their scandalized expressions. (tee hee!)
See, we have these two tri-pod speaker stands up at the front of the church, and a whole bunch of cords running up to the speakers and the microphones. It's kind of generally ugly and disjointed looking. So our pastor thought it would be a good idea to get some kind of skirts to put on the speaker stands that we can throw all the extra length of the wire under. So, of course, they have to be shiny black to match the stands. And full circle so that they hang nicely, and no matter what height setting the stands are at, the skirts will still cover them nicely.
And so, our pastor hired me to sew two, shiny black, full-circle skirts for him. ;)
I was quite apprehensive about drafting a pattern for a full-circle skirt because most of my patterns don't work out and for some reason full-circle just sounded really hard. But circles are a lot easier than I had expected! Plus, the fabric I found in the bargain bin for $3/metre was this nice, heavy knit that doesn't need to be hemmed! YAY! I'm not very good at keeping circular hems smooth.
These are some pictures that my father put in our prayer letter this week.
One of my brothers was making chicken for supper, and since they were so little we needed two. But two roasting hens don't fit in the slow cooker very well. Unless you're a boy and come up with something like this. Do all boys' minds work this way, or is it just my brothers? Knowing my family, it's probably just my brothers.
It is pretty funny though. With their wings out like that and everything, they look like they're really enjoying that hot tub!
These next ones weren't in the prayer letter. I was looking through all of our old photo files for pictures to use for some ministry promotional items and found these.
That is me on the far right. I don't remember why we were staying with my best friend (who is in the middle of the back seat), but we were. On the way back to our house, Kaitlin (my older sister) and Celeste (my best friend) were comparing hair colours by braiding their hair together. And then it just kind of escalated. A good example of why you should not let seven girls drive home together! Or why you should - depending on how you look at it. Mr. & Mrs. St.L were in the front seats shaking their heads if I remember correctly. :D
Other than it being mighty difficult for seven girls to exit a 15-passenger van while attached by the hair - it was a lot of fun!! Not to mention getting our shoes off to go inside - that HURT.
Oh the things we do when we're young and foolish.
But is it a good thing or a bad thing to be "too old" to do stuff like this anymore? Is it wrong to tease your family about your pastor wearing a skirt? The Bible talks about not being fools. But Paul had a strong sense of humour and was very sarcastic. At what point does have a sense of homour turn into being a fool?
I don't know - do you?